Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 47, 17489
Greifswald, Germany.
malek.hanounah at
I am a PhD student at Greifswald University under the supervision of Ines Kath. I am interested in locally homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian geometries, and in Geometric structures in general.
My Master thesis on Apollonian circle packings (here, slides). You find here my CV (version of June 2024). I am currently co-organizing the Tassili Sunday Maths Seminar (here) and the Research Seminar at Greifswald University (here).
Completeness of foliated structures, and null Killing fields (with Lilia Mehidi), 2024, arXiv:2403.15722 , submitted.
On homogeneous plane waves (with Lilia Mehidi and Abdelghani Zeghib), 2023, arXiv: 2311.07459, submitted.
Topology and Dynamics of compact plane waves (with Ines Kath, Lilia Mehidi and Abdelghani Zeghib), 2023, arXiv: 2309.14955, Crelle Journal, to appear.
I am an active member of the MathWin project. One of the main goals of this project is to provide a solid and polyvalent mathematical training for excellent first and second year University students.
(Update: 15-11-2024)